Let's create 'Heck Yes!' ads & offers that are fun to talk about and easy to sell

A high touch, 1:1 partnership to refine your messaging and monetize your brilliance with ads that feel good and genuinely serve your audience.

Let's create 'Heck Yes!' ads and offers that are fun to talk about and easy to sell

A high touch, 1:1 partnership to refine your messaging and monetize your brilliance with ads that feel good and genuinely serve your audience.

How much time have you spent trying to figure out what to say and how to say it so that your ideal clients understand what you do and why they should work with you?

Testing and refining your messaging organically is only marginally better than doing it in a cave

at this point.

It's harder than ever before and for a lot of coaches, it's putting them out of business.

It's too much and too slow.

Here's the reality...

  • Organic reach is going down: The average organic reach on Facebook and Instagram in 2024 is between 5.9% and 7.6% - that means your posts are shown to only 5-7% of your followers (down from 40-90% in 2018)

  • The sales cycle is getting longer: Today, the average sales cycle with a warm prospect requires 12 touchpoints (up from 8 in 2018) and it goes as high as 50 touchpoints with a cold audience

  • Most coaching businesses fail: According to the ICF, 82% of coaching businesses fail within 2 years and over 50% of coaches earn less than $1,000/month (and yet there has never been a better time to be a coach!)

Depressing, I know. I wish it weren't the case.

Let's not be a statistic, okay?

The truth is, you really only need 2 things to grow your coaching business:

  • Trust

  • And an irresistible offer

That's it.

You don't need thousands of followers or subscribers or even a fancy funnel or sales page.

Heck, I made $30,000 off a $997 offer to a list of just 300 people and I only sent them to a checkout page.

You can do this too.

But it doesn't happen by accident.

  • You need a strategy to consistently expose people to content that accelerates connection (I use ads and email for this)

  • And you need a no brainer offer that invites people into exactly what they want

...and this is where I come in.

I've spent the last six years optimizing funnels for 6 and 7-figure coaches, and I've learned that the most profitable funnels avoid the hard sell at all costs.

It's not about selling people what they need.

It's about inviting them into exactly what they want.

and now I'm here to help you do the same.

This offer is perfect for the coach who:

  • Struggles to communicate what they do in a way that pre-sells their ideal clients into their programs and services

  • Worries that that their work is too nuanced, complicated or intangible for people to really "get it"

  • Creates content online but isn't seeing enough traction for how much work they're putting in

  • Has an offer ready to sell but needs help positioning it as a no-brainer yes for their people

  • Knows exactly who they're selling to and what problem they're solving

  • And wants to be able to jam on this with a partner day in and day out until it's fully dialed in and sales feel effortless

Magnetize & Monetize

A 6-month 1:1 messaging makeover and Facebook ad intensive for new and established coaches who are tired of hustling for their visibility, talking with lukewarm leads, and struggling to communicate the value of what they do.

The program is founded on two essential elements:

Personalized 1:1 Support

Practical and Strategic Training


Personalized Support

Daily support is offered via Voxer. You can message me anytime and expect a response time of approximately 24 hours or less during business hours. This is where the messy magic happens and we truly become partners in your growth.

This also includes:

  • Weekly content audits for feedback and recommendations.

  • Live hotseat calls as needed


Practical & Strategic Training

I don't want you sitting around watching hours and hours of curriculum because this isn't a course and you aren't doing this alone, but I do have some powerful workshops and resources to give you to help you look at your offers in a new way.

This includes:

  • A 3 minute exercise to make any offer 10x easier to sell

  • The 4 Part Formula for Irresistible Offers

  • 5 Steps to Messaging that Sticks

  • 60 Second Messaging Makeovers

  • Trust First Facebook Ads for Coaches: A budget savvy blueprint for getting clients with confidence

About Your Coach

Hey, I'm Kaitlyn!

I'm the founder of Kaitlyn and Co., a 2-person ad agency providing ad management and conversion rate optimization services to multi-6 and 7 figure coaches and consultants. I've kept the agency small by design so that I could stay close to the work and serve my clients well, as opposed to charging $5K/month and passing them off to junior account manager.

Prior to working in the online space, I was an occupational therapist with a private practice in Connecticut. Fellow private practice owners were actually some of my very first clients!

I believe there are 3 types of coaches and service providers out there - the well known celebrity, the affiliates promoted by the well known celebrity, and the overlooked experts (these are the people you wish you found out about years ago).

My work is about raising the visibility of the overlooked experts in the room- the one's who are doing incredible work in their field without asking them to compromise their values or take big risks with their marketing dollars. If that's you, we should talk.

I'm also a mom, an enneagram 2, a manifesting generator, and I love to be outside.

"Kaitlyn is pure genius when it comes to ads and marketing strategy. She's responsible for some of the highest revenue months in my business and if you have the chance to work with her, I'd say RUN, don't walk."

Tiffany Tiffany Rose Coaching

Next Steps...

If you need help creating & executing a paid marketing strategy in your business...

If you need help positioning your offers so they are a heck yes for your people…

If you want selling to feel easy, authentic, and even fun..

And you’re ready for a no fluff approach to taking inspired action, working off of a solid digital marketing strategy, in a 1:1 setting where you cannot hide...

Apply now to see if we're a fit for 1:1 consulting!


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